Philip Morris joins the Copenhagen Pride celebrations

Philip Morris are committed supporters of the pride movement around the world. Philip Morris believes that the main theme of the pride movement is about a better future, which is in line with our own vision of a smoke-free future.
This week, we are waving the flag during Copenhagen Pride at several events. Especially during the culmination of the Pride Parade on Saturday, August 17th. On this day, we join the parade together with the bar "Jailhouse" and co-host an event with both drinks and food at the bar.
But already on Wednesday, August 14th, at 17.30 p.m., we hosts a private event for guests over 18 years. To celebrate Pride we have invited two extremely interesting guest speakers at HEAT & BREW. The chairman of Rainbow Business Denmark, Carsten Volden and transsexual model and actor, May Simon.
Carsten Volden will present his take on how pride communication and collaboration between the various LGBT organizations can be strengthened. May Simon will tell us about her role as one of the key figures in the LGBT organizations and in the Copenhagen Pride.
There will be music, sushi, drinks and happenings. As a guest, you will even get an gift designed by Carsten Volden.
It will be an exciting week and we very much look forward to being a part of the Copenhagen Pride.