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You must be 18 or over to access materials on this site

This site contains information about smoke-free products and we need your age to make sure that you are an adult in Denmark, who would otherwise continue to smoke or use nicotine products. Our products are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids. They are not risk free. They contain nicotine, which is addictive. Only for use by adults.
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Experiencing any of the following issues?

From automatic heating to locating your IQOS device and diagnostics, many other features are just a fingertip away.

Contact Customer Care
A woman comparing her iqos device

Charging too slowly?


Use only the official IQOS cable and AC power adapter. Charging from a computer USB port or third-party cable can be less effective than the original cable. .


If your IQOS Pocket Charger is fully charged and then connected to a power supply, the status light may flash. Out of battery? Plug it in for at least 20 minutes before any status lights appear.

Chef in a kitchen

Broken heating blade or other damage?


Always clean gently. The heating blade can break if you use too much force while cleaning the Holder. Ensure you never twist your heat stick while it’s in the Holder, as it can damage the heating blade. If your device has a broken heating blade or any other physical damage, please contact our support and we will help you and your IQOS.

A woman smiling

Status lights flashing?


If the lights are flashing white twice: Your IQOS might have a temperature issue. Let it cool down or warm up in your hands - or insert the IQOS Holder into the Pocket Charger for auto-cleaning.


If the Charger lights or Holder lights are flashing red: Try resetting your device by placing the Holder in the Pocket Charger and pressing the Pocket Charger’s button for 10 seconds until the lights dim out. All lights will briefly blink white to confirm the reset.


If the lights don’t stop flashing: Your heating blade might be broken. Go to IQOS support page, restart the diagnostic process, select your Holder and then “Broken Heating Blade”. Place the Holder back in the Pocket Charger, take off the Door Cover and use to remove any stuck object inside the device. Clean connector with a cleaning stick.

If these steps don’t solve the problem, please contact our support.

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Need more help?

Use our online troubleshooting tool to find a solution for your device or read your way to a quick solution.

If you have registered your device, you can use our troubleshooting tool to find a solution in just a few steps. If it doesn’t help and your device is within warranty, you’ll be able to order a free and fast replacement!.


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Monday to Friday from 09:00 - 18:00