Enter date of birth to confirm you are over 18 years old and wish to enter IQOS.com


You must be 18 or over to access materials on this site

This site contains information about smoke-free products and we need your age to make sure that you are an adult in Denmark, who would otherwise continue to smoke or use nicotine products. Our products are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids. They are not risk free. They contain nicotine, which is addictive. Only for use by adults.
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Money-back - If not satisfied after use

your IQOS.

If you have registered your device, you can try our self-diagnostic tool to find a solution in a few easy steps.
If that doesn't help, and your device is under warranty, you will be able to order a free and quick replacement!

Select your device

Have you not registered your device yet? No problem, you can read your way to fix common issues below.

A woman holds an IQOS device while looking at a laptop.
Neon IQOS device

Tobacco products and tobacco surrogates stuck?

The tobacco products and tobacco surrogates may break in the device.
Try using a paperclip to remove the part of the stick that remains in the IQOS ILUMA ONE device.
A woman showing off her IQOS device

Status lights switching off?


This is your experience countdown.
When you feel a vibration and just one light pulsing white, your IQOS experience only has 2 puffs to go. Tap on the button to check the battery level. Is the lower light strip blinking yellow, it needs charge.


Slide to close the cap. Put your IQOS ILUMA ONE in the charger for 1h 30m. A full charging gives you 20 IQOS experiences.

IQOS delivery

Status lights


3 blinking white lights: Your IQOS ILUMA ONE might have a temperature issue. Let it cool down or warm up in your hands to between 0°C-50°C.


8 blinking white lights: The Holder can only manage 1 experience. Get more help at our Self-diagnosis tool.

A woman with red nails holding her IQOS device

Bottom lights
blinking yellow?

Your IQOS ILUMA ONE may need a battery check.


Tap on the button to check the battery level. Is the lower light strip blinking yellow, it needs charge. Slide to close the cap. Put your IQOS ILUMA ONE in the charger for 1h 30m. A full charging gives you 20 IQOS experiences.


Charge the IQOS ILUMA ONE with the manufacturer-approved power adaptor.


For a full charge, plug the device for at least 1h 30m. When it’s ready, your device will have all lights go solid white before turning off

IQOS delivery

Bottom light
blinking red?

Is your IQOS ILUMA ONE charged but not working? Then you might need to reset it.


Press the IQOS ILUMA ONE button for 7 seconds, then release the button. All status lights will turn off, blink twice and turn on again to confirm the reset.


If the red light persists, please contact Customer Care

IQOS unboxing

No fit or air flow?

Your SMARTCORE sticks may need a check.


Wait for your device to cool down. Slide your IQOS ILUMA ONE cap upwards to remove it.


Check the SMARTCORE stick was not used twice and ensure it was inserted correctly.


Make sure you store your tobacco products and tobacco surrogates in a not too humid or dry environment, just to keep the aerosol quality unaffected.

IQOS ILUMA is designed to be used only with tobacco products and tobacco surrogates. Do not use IQOS ILUMA and tobacco products and tobacco surrogates with previous IQOS generations, as this may cause damage to your device.
See important information.
IQOS ILUMA devices in different colours.

Discover more.

Look into more details on your IQOS ILUMA ONE and learn how your device works and how to use it.

Read IQOS ILUMA ONE User Guide Safety warnings

Learn how to use, clean and charge

Go to guides